Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh, Lady!

Today Jamie started yelling at the dog while I was making dinner. Apparently she used the front room as her own bathroom. Then he starts yelling to me, "You have to come in here and see this poop!" I am not in the mood to do this. Then he yells, "The poop is under the table, you have to see it!" I am literally 6 feet away from him, but I guess when talking about poop you have to yell. I go into the front room so he will stop talking about the poop. Then I see a beautiful bouquet of roses on the window seat. He honored our 6th anniversary by using his mad skills to disgust then delight me in a way only he can do.

But Ladybird really did poop on the carpet.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My favorite kid

I thought I would talk about how sweet Elliott has been this week. On Monday we were napping and I felt him pat my face and kiss my cheek. Today he was playing and he ran up to a nearly 2 year old boy. I thought he was going to tackle him when he started singing and holding the boy's hands, dancing with him. He is compassionate, too. Whenever he sees someone who that gotten hurt he stops what he is doing and rushes over to ask "Are you okay?" and he is quick to get a band-aid. My Grandma Rozzell (aka Turkeybird) always says that Elliott is such a blessing. He has blessed my family more than he will ever know.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Put some clothes on!

Today we were packing up to go to Greenfield. Elliott was in the house getting dressed and I was running in and out of the house to the car. We live a short walk away from an elementary school and for some reason all of the kids were walking past our house. I think they were walking to the high school across the street and it was nearly 150 kids. So I look at the kids while I'm loading up and I see two girls pointing at my front window. I rush inside to see my son standing full view naked for the world to see, grabbing himself and yelling, "Hey guys! Look at my penits!"
Now I'm worried that some angry partents will be knocking on my door demanding to know why my son was teaching anatomy to their daughters.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Elliott had a great Easter weekend. We spent Saturday with Krista & Tom and Sunday with my folks. We even got to visit his great-great grandma Priest to whom he sang 'Head Shoulders Knees and Toes'. He was a huge fan of hunting eggs at my dad's place but when it was time to hunt at my mom's he had fallen asleep in the car. We decided to drive back home instead of waking him up. Elliott woke up an hour and a half later and he was furious that we weren't at Memaw's! So after making a plea to Memaw it was decided that the next time we are out there we will look for eggs.